Saturday, April 04, 2009

Twittering on...

Following a year of blogging distraction, I am about to upgrade this site and rekindle the 'musings'. So watch this space!

Last year's 'distractions' included a regular slot on, a travel website expounding all that is best about England for the USA tourist. My posts are still there (all 144 of them), so catch them whilst you may!

The year also saw the publication of my first collection of poetry. A Journey with Time is available through all internet book sellers, or directly from me at a discounted price - just e-mail me and ask!

Meanwhile, 'Musings' has ventured off into Twitterland...still very much the new boy and learning the ropes. However, a few rudimentary 'feeler' posts are out there, and hopefully I will be able to upload a photo soon (a problem with Twitter Bugs - nasty little things!) Anyway, if you are also in Twitterland, do add me in. Just look for 'James Tusitala'

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Remembrance Day - Will We Ever Learn?

The following is the sermon I preached on Remembrance Sunday in 2019, using Luke 20.27-38 as my starting point. Five years on, the statistic...