faith in human nature has been partially restored this past fortnight by the
myriad of telephone calls by worried patients wishing to express their concern
that we live in such an uncaring world that a GP could be left stranded by the
roadside whilst half his local community simply drove past without bothering to
enquire as to his well-being. Many have gone to great lengths to reassure me
that they did not pass me by on that fateful day; and furthermore, to emphasise
that, if they had seen me, they would most certainly have stopped to give
assistance. Such an outpouring of goodwill is gratefully received; so much so
that, contrary to data protection laws, I have made a note of your contact
details and will ensure that you all receive a daily printout of my future travel
that I am likely to need you, thanks to an enterprising local business couple who
have devised the ultimate emergency aid for doctors. Kindly presenting me with
the prototype at the start of a recent consultation, the aid consists of a
protective cardboard storage tube in which is housed a rolled-up warning sign.
On green paper (green for medical and no doubt also fluorescent in headlights –
clever people these entrepreneurs), the sign boldly proclaims ‘STOP! THE
DOCTOR’S CAR IS NOT WELL!’ Thank you. I shall most certainly display it next
time I breakdown; if only to assist my aforementioned telephone rescue brigade
in finding me.
the same gushing sentiments cannot be written about my declining faith in the
medico-political world. If the incessant public bashing of doctors in
particular and healthcare professionals in general was not sufficient, a
Conservative health minister has now got to the nub of the problem. The
difficulties of the NHS have nothing to do with decades of political
interference and mismanagement, underfunding, inadequately resourced training,
mindless bureaucratic targets, and burnt-out GPs. No, the problem has been
staring us in the face all the time. It is the fault of women; or to be more
precise, female GPs. At least it is according to Ms Anna Soubry MP. Why?
Because women want to mix a working life with caring for their families, and
thus wish to work part-time; thereby putting a strain on the NHS. Her outdated
and derogatory comments understandably caused outrage amongst the medical
profession and feminist movements alike, and did nothing to bolster the failing
reputation of politicians. With women making up over 55% of today’s medical
students, the future of general practice is as a female profession. In itself,
that is not necessarily a bad thing; after all, are we not told by
anthropologists that women are biologically geared to be more caring in nature
than men? If that is the case, I know which sex I would wish to be sorting out
my multiple pathologies of old age. No, Ms Soubry, the problem is not the
women, but the failure of Westminster to recognise the changing face of the
world’s working patterns, and to ensure that more doctors are trained in order
to facilitate part-time working, flexible-working, and job-sharing.
Paraphrasing the words of Henry II, who will rid me of these turbulent
politicians? Perhaps my new-found band of ‘community vigilantes’ could help?
First published in the Scunthorpe
Telegraph, 13 June 2013
© Copyright Robert M Jaggs-Fowler 2013
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